Installation and System Setup
Download nodejs installer from installation open the command prompt and type
C:\>node --version //prints the version number C:\>npm -version //npm is a NodeJS package manager. it's used to install node programs.The next step would be to install all the dependencies for the project, -g flag is to install the module globally.
C:\>npm install -g C:\>npm install -g phantomjs C:\>npm install -g node-static C:\>npm ls //lists out all the modules installed
The project contains 3 pieces,
nodejs_example1.js - is the server code that defines how the server talks to the client.
nodejs_example1.html - is the html page loaded in the client browser.
phantomjs_example1.js - contains the phantomjs code to take the screenshot
var http = require('http') , io = require('') , fs = require('fs') , os = require('os') , path = require('path') , childProcess = require('child_process') , phantomjs = require('phantomjs'); var server = http.createServer(onCreateHandler); var socket = io.listen(server); server.listen(8090); var sessionid; function onCreateHandler(req, res) { fs.readFile(__dirname + '/nodejs_example1.html', function (err, data) { if (err) { res.writeHead(500); return res.end('Error loading nodejs_example1.html'); } res.writeHead(200); res.end(data); }); } socket.on('connection', function (socket) { sessionid = genRandNum(); socket.emit('session id', { id: sessionid}); socket.on('capture screen event', function (id, url) { if(sessionid == id){ captureScreenShot(url); }else{ console.log("Invalid Session ID"); } }); }); function captureScreenShot(data){ var binPath = phantomjs.path; output = os.arch() + os.platform() + "_" + Math.round(os.uptime()) + '.png'; var childArgs = [ path.join(__dirname, 'phantomjs_example1.js'), data, output] console.log(childArgs); childProcess.execFile(binPath, childArgs, function(err, stdout, stderr) { // handle results }) } function genRandNum() { return Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1); //Return a random number between 1 and 10 }nodejs_example1.html
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8090/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8090/phantomjs/phantomjs.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8090/phantom/phantom.js"></script> <script> var socket = io.connect('http://localhost'); var sessionid = 0; socket.on('session id', function (data) { sessionid =; }); function captureScreenShot(){ socket.emit('capture screen event', sessionid, document.getElementById("inputurl").value ); } </script> </head> <body> url for screenshots <input type="text" id="inputurl" value=""><br> <input type="submit" value="Get Screen Shot" onclick="captureScreenShot()"> </body> </html>
var system = require('system'); var page = require('webpage').create(); address = system.args[1]; output = system.args[2]; //debug_address = ''; //debug_output = 'hello.png';, function (status) { console.log(address); if (status !== 'success') { console.log('Unable to load the address!'); phantom.exit(); } else { window.setTimeout(function () { page.render(output); phantom.exit(); }, 200); } });To Run the code, (note all three files must be in the same folder) start your server as follows,
C:\>node nodejs_example1.js
Open the bowser and load the following page "http://localhost:8090/", Click on the "Get ScreenShot" button, the screenshot gets stored in your local folder.
The next blog would be about sending the screenshot to the server.